I believe we all have the right to live well.
Laikin helps creative and smart women establish and grow the life and business that’s right for them.

About Kaitlyn

Hi, I’m Kaitlyn.

I’m a designer, creative and business owner. I spent many years feeling unfulfilled  and uninspired in my work, I was constantly thinking… ‘this can’t be it’. I knew something wasn’t working for me, I knew there must be a life I could lead in which I was excited to get out of bed each day, where I could follow my curiosities and work with other women who inspired me. So I set out to find it.

I stepped out on my own to create a business and life that I wanted to live.

I’m interested in what lies outside the often constrictive 9–5 structure. A space where women are empowered to create their own fulfilment, financial security, and a daily life that feels right to them.

I wholeheartedly believe design can help us with that.


Discovery. Connection. Empowerment. Beauty.